Cannabis Conversations with Cannsultation



Thing 2: Knowledgeable staff is hard to find

IIn the previous blog, we discussed how it can be a solid year of work before opening your lab. At this point, you have either completed that work or are in the process and you need knowledgeable staff; this may prove more difficult than “Thing 1” in most cases. Some labs have a set hiring strategy when it comes to their leadership team while others employ a staffing agency to find the “best” staff.

            Staffing agencies are a great resource, but remember, just like cannabis consulting firms, staffing agencies are popping up daily, so therefore you have to do your homework on whom to trust when seeking out a credible agency that can refer proficient staff. Remember, all most will do is refer staff that they believe is appropriate, but you still have to vet the staff personally in terms of their skill sets.

CCongratulations! You’ve decided to set up a third-party cannabis analytical lab. In this blog, I will describe five important things that I learned in setting up multiple labs and can help you avoid in your endeavor. There’s a plethora of information here so I will break this post down into easily digestible 3-part series.  

Thing 1: It’s a solid one-year of work

Most people perform their research and do due diligence before going into any business to ascertain whether that business opportunity is ripe and stable.  Cannabis is certainly that and more. Legalized marijuana is here to stay despite its standing classification as a Schedule 1 drug in the Controlled Substances Act, which includes drugs such as heroine, lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), and 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (ecstasy)1. I could write a book on why this wrong, but I believe there are enough books out there addressing this calamity.

Back to why it is often a solid year of work before you have a fully operational lab. 


Lean Principles

LLean is often discussed as a mind-set or philosophy and its emphasis on systems thinking, teamwork and collaborative problem solving that seeks to engage the entire workforce for the development of a culture of continuous improvement. The application of Lean principles facilitates the implementation of significant process improvements without the requirement for a thorough understanding of the underlying process. The principles are as follows:

TThere are three main matrices when it comes to cannabis: plants, concentrates and infused products and each includes several sub categories.  In this blog, we will take a look at 6 main categories for cannabis-based concentrate products.


Cannsultation is a division of Innovative Analytical Associates LLC, a laboratory consulting company.

Note: Innovative Analytical Associates, LLC dba 'Cannsultation' does not promote, condone or advocate licit or illicit drug use. Cannsultation cannot be held responsible for material on its website pages, or pages to which we provide links, which promote, condone or advocate licit or illicit drug use or illegal activities. Nothing on this website should be considered legal advice or as a substitute for legal advice. Cannsultation only provides consultation services for cannabis labs in states with legal marijuana programs and in which its use is permitted by local and State law.

Statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Any products represented are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease

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